
Sunday, May 3, 2015

Bonne Pâques!

I'm writing this from a friend's house in Malibu.

A stage director/singer/broadway extraordinaire just left. He taught me how to sing the cadenza at the end of Think of Me from Phantom of the Opera. Me, a supposed second alto... hitting high F's and having a professional person in the music industry go, "Great!"

That's possibly the most uplifting, exciting, wonderful, great, fun thing I've done all year. It actually made my day. Apparently I can sing pretty well. Apparently I have great tone. Apparently I can sing soprano notes. The world is mine. :)

Awesome photo courtesy Nathalie David, the awesome French lady mentioned below.
Accompanying him were two French ladies (ok, I joke, one French lady and one Belgian - "but it's all the same, right?" we joked). In French, "Happy Easter!" is "Joyeuse Pâques!" but also "Bonne Pâques!" though no one says the latter. Mr. Broadway was trying to learn "Happy Easter!" in different languages, but got really hooked on "Bonne Pâques" — now it's slang for "What's up?"

It's going to happen. Just like wife cakes (à la Zoey, who coined it with Tanna) is going to happen.

That's my night in a nutshell, and it was really, really great. Such a great time. I'm so happy right now, about all of this.